The foam crushing machine is a recycling machine designed primarily to crush EPS, EPE, and EPP foam materials into small pieces for further recycling, such as through extrusion granulation. Additionally, this EPS foam shredder can reduce the volume of plastic foam materials, making them more convenient for transportation. This equipment can be used with an foam granulator to process waste EPS foam into granules.

mesin penghancur busa
mesin penghancur busa

Apa Bahan Baku Penghancur Busa?

Our foam crushing machine is a piece of multi-functional equipment that can effectively crush all kinds of foam materials, including but not limited to disposable lunch boxes, thermal insulation boxes, foam inner liners of electronic products, foam filler materials, pearl cotton, foam board, decorative foams, fruit net covers, etc.

Busa Plastik Hancur

Produk akhir utama dari mesin penghancur busa EPS adalah busa plastik yang dihancurkan. Potongan-potongan kecil busa ini dapat segera dipadatkan menjadi balok-balok dengan pemadat busa EPS, atau diolah menjadi butiran busa dengan menggunakan pemadat busa EPS Granulator busa EPS.

busa yang dihancurkan
busa yang dihancurkan

Features of Styrofoam Shredder

  • High Efficiency Shredding: Breaks large foam pieces into smaller ones for further processing.
  • Horizontal Design: Ground-level feeding for easy material input.
  • Versatile Application: Suitable for processing EPS, EPE, XPS, and other foam materials.
  • Durable and Reliable: Equipped with high-quality blades for better shredding performance and long service life.
  • Enhanced Recycling Efficiency: Prepares foam waste for pelletizing, cold compression, or hot melting.
  • Easy to Operate: Simple structure with convenient maintenance.

Struktur Dan Proses Mesin Penghancur Busa

  • Saluran masuk: Limbah busa dapat dengan mudah dimasukkan ke dalam penghancur busa horizontal melalui saluran masuknya, yang sejajar dengan tanah. Desain ini memungkinkan penyisipan material secara langsung dan mudah, sehingga secara signifikan meningkatkan kenyamanan sekaligus mengurangi kebutuhan tenaga kerja manual.
  • Ruang pemotongan: Di ruang pemotongan, pisau tajam memotong bahan busa menjadi potongan-potongan kecil siap untuk langkah selanjutnya.
  • Sistem motor dan penggerak: Sistem motor dan penggerak menyediakan daya yang diperlukan untuk memastikan proses pemotongan dan penghancuran yang efisien dan stabil.
  • Sistem emisi: Busa yang hancur dibawa ke proses selanjutnya.

Video Kerja Penghancur Busa Plastik

Foam crushing machine working video

Spesifikasi Penghancur Busa Horisontal

  • Kapasitas (KG/Jam): 250-300
  • Ukuran keseluruhan (mm): 1250*1290*660
  • Ukuran port umpan (mm): 800*600
  • Daya (KW): 5,5
  • Kapasitas (KG/JAM): 300-350
  • Ukuran keseluruhan (mm): 1250*1530*660
  • Ukuran port umpan (mm): 1000*600
  • Daya (KW): 5,5
  • Kapasitas (KG/JAM): 450-500
  • Ukuran keseluruhan (mm): 1600*2200*800
  • Ukuran port umpan (mm): 1500*800
  • Tenaga (KW): 11

Related Foam Recycling Machine

This foam crushing machine is usually used in conjunction with a pelletizer, where the crushed foam is further processed into recycled pellets. In addition, you can choose to have the waste foam hot-melted or cold-pressed. We offer both EPS hot melting machines Dan styrofoam compactors to meet different recycling needs.

If you want to learn about the various recycling options, you can check them out in this article: Styrofoam Recycling Solutions: Turning Waste Into Resources